Cycle to Work
Cycle to Work
Golden Ride accepts cycle-to-work vouchers from major providers including Bike2work and Green Commute Initiative. We accept orders via this payment method online and in-store.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse cycle-to-work payments on discounted or promotional items.

How does it work?
Find out which cycle-to-work provider your company is signed up to.
Visit our shop in Stratford or visit our online shop Let us know what e-bike or e-scooter you would like to get, and we will provide you with a written quote.
Take the quote to your employer for approval and submit it to one of the cycle-to-work providers (Bike2Work Scheme or Green Commute Initiative). The limit is usually £1,000; however, some companies allow their employees to go over this limit.
Once your employer has paid the full amount for the quote, the cycle-to-work provider will issue a voucher and send it to you.
The voucher can be redeemed at the Golden Ride store, or you can send a copy via email to
Find out more about Cycle to Work Initiative